My dear


Acute intoxication was observed in adults after taking a dose of about 20 mg and in children after taking a dose of 5 mg.

Chronic intoxication may occur in patients with gout after taking a total dose of 10 mg or higher for several days..

Since colchicine has antimitotic activity, organs with a high proliferation rate are more likely to be affected..

Symptoms: about 2-6 hours after ingestion of a toxic dose, burning and perspiration in the throat and in the mouth, urge to vomit and difficulty swallowing, nausea, thirst and vomiting, and then urge to urinate and defecate, tenesmus and colic ( usually in malnourished patients).

Mucous-watery and / or hemorrhagic diarrhea can lead to a loss of fluid and electrolytes, which may lead to the development of hypokalemia, hyponatremia and metabolic acidosis. Often patients complain at the same time of tightness and pain in the heart. Buy Colchicine 0.5 mg Without Prescription In the future, pallor, a decrease in body temperature, cyanosis and dyspnea are observed. Perhaps the development of tachycardia and arterial hypotension (up to collapse).

Neurological disorders manifest in the form of decreased sensitivity, seizures, and symptoms of paralysis. Possible death in the first three days due to cardiovascular failure and respiratory paralysis.

1-2 weeks after the cure of intoxication, a complete, sometimes long-term alopecia can be observed. In some cases, impaired renal, lung, and liver function were noted. Rare cases of blindness have been reported..

Treatment can only be symptomatic, aimed at stabilizing the cardiovascular system. Plasma substitutes or isotonic sodium chloride solution with the addition of glucose and electrolytes (mainly potassium) are injected intravenously, the ECG is monitored.

Digoxin can be prescribed to maintain myocardial contractility. If necessary, antibiotic therapy. With increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, dexamethasone is indicated; lumbar puncture may be necessary. With abdominal cramps, atropine, papaverine, or tannalbin are prescribed. Do not use opiates.

It may be necessary to use oxygen therapy or artificial respiration.

Colchicine: description of the drug

Gout in the acute phase is characterized by severe pain, so it is important to choose the right drug for treatment. Usually, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or anti-gout agents are prescribed for this disease..

Of the second group, Colchicine is considered the most popular medicine. It effectively eliminates pain, inflammation and regulates uric acid metabolism..

The composition of the drug includes only colchicine, or rather squeezes from plants of the melantium family. Most often, autumn colchicum is used to make medicine.

The active substance is an alkoloid of tropolon rad, which means it is poisonous. The drug belongs to the cellular (mitotic) poison, which inhibits the process of mitosis - indirect cell division.

Colchicine is dangerous for all human organs and systems, and even a small dosage of this substance can cause serious side effects, and an overdose can result in death. Therefore, taking this medicine should be treated with great caution and only with the permission of the attending physician.

When not to do without "Colchicine"?

The main purpose of this drug is to prevent the development of gout attacks. As you know, this joint disease is chronic and brings a lot of suffering to patients. Colchicine has proven effective in treating gout, a relapsing form of arthritis.

Initially, experts prescribed a large dose of the drug, which caused many negative reactions and complications. Currently, the daily dosage of the drug is significantly reduced. The attending physician, depending on the severity of the course of the disease, determines the individual treatment regimen with Colchicine.

The medicine, according to official instructions, can be used to treat and prevent the following diseases:


  • gouty arthritis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • as part of complex therapy for chondrocalcinosis;
  • familial mediterranean fever;
  • phlebitis;
  • Behcet's disease;
  • inflammatory processes in dentistry and ENT practice.


pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug is associated with a decrease in the migration of leukocytes to the focus of inflammation and inhibition of phagocytosis of microcrystals of uric acid salts.

The drug has an antimitotic effect, suppresses (in whole or in part) cell division in the anaphase and metaphase stages, and prevents neutrophil degranulation. Reducing the formation of amyloid fibrils, prevents the development of amyloidosis.

Highly effective for relieving acute gout attacks.

In the first 12 hours of therapy, the condition improves significantly in more than 75% of patients. In 80%, it can cause adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract before the onset of improvement or at the same time.

In a daily dose of 1-2 mg when taken daily in 3/4 of patients with gout, the likelihood of developing repeated acute attacks decreases.

Prevents acute attacks in patients with familial Mediterranean fever (reduces the activity of dopamine beta-hydroxylase).

Increases life expectancy of patients with primary AL amyloidosis.

It has a positive effect on the skin (softening, reducing dryness) with systemic scleroderma.